Saturday, May 24, 2008

Fainted+Fever=Stay Home!

Actually today me suppose kuar wit Nad and Encit Lee to buy some stuff yang masih tak cukup for the hantaran. Even I am not feeling well yet, still fever but still want to go. That's me! Tak suker tunjuk my weaknesses, as long boleh bertahan then I will try.

Three of us went together, Nad nak cari gambir, pinang tok sirih junjung, she suggested we go to Pasar Chow Kit, I never been there before so tak taw how it would like..Ingatkan ghupernya sama la seperti pasar biasa tapi salah telahan saya.. Pasar tu agak tertutup so pengudaraan tak best la, masa jalan2 tu paler dah dizzy semacam, lutut pun lemah je, tapi teruskan jugak sebab malas la nak mengada-ngada dok dalam kete je walaupun telah di'advise' oleh Nad supaya tunggu dalam kete je..Ok, at first everything seem okay for me, tetibe rasa tak tahan because NO AIR, rasa cam susah nak bernafas.. Saya pun ajak la Encit Lee kuar dari tempat yang terkepok itu [terkepok ni maknanyer pengudaraan yang tak lancar]. Then the story begin, dalam perjalanan nak balik ke kete tuh saya dah tak tahan, mata dah kelam2, suara org bercakap pun cam dah sayup2, kaki rasa cam dah tak berpijak kat tanah. Lastly I was fainted! Yeap, I was fainted at Pasar Chow Kit ya kekawan!..I dun know how the situation goes, but I feel somebody massage my head, my hand, ada bau minyak cap kapak lagi, and Encit Lee terpaksa mendukung saya tok bawa ke kete..Wahhhh, malu giler.. [seb bek tak sedar] Masa dia dukung tetibe sedar, time tuh malu lah, so suh dia twunkan saya then I walk by myself, tapi selepas beberapa langkah pitam balik..Iskk, during the moment only God known how worried he was that time...Yang kelakarnyer die cete, ada makcik tuh tanya die "is ur wife pregnant", nak tergelak pun ader agaknyer die time tuh..[buat makcik yang bertanya, maaf kak, kami belum berkahwin]..
Biler agak2 dah lega, then he walked me to the car..Dalam kete dah ader aircond, dah lap peluh tetibe je saya twos gelak sebab rasa geli come I can fainted in this public area, and there also a hero that willing to carry me all along the way! jauh taw and I am heavy ya!

And then we to clinic again, even yesterday baru je jumpe doc. By the way, credit to TM coz provide me the medical facilities, so I don need to use any of my penny to pay for the treatment.
Doc advise me to take more rest, my glucose are low, take care of my diet.. after this I want to nap all day long...

P/S : Thanks to all people yang bagi air, minyak cap kapak masa saya pengsan tuh... And thousand to Encit Lee for carried me, ur hand mesti lenguh kan? hee, sorry coz make u worried on me.. Next time, saya janji if tak sehat I will stay home diam2..


  1. Wah..macam cerita Snow White la pulak. Cuma takde kuda je kat Chow Kit tu. ;-p Kehkehkeh. Take care, Jue.. Krim salam sama hero ko ek (^_^)

  2. Isk ko nie Din, dah memang cam Snow white pon, kuda tue dah ganti ngan Si Hitamku ahaks =D
    Tapi memang best la kene dukung, tu yang siap mimpi2 masa pengsan tuh hikhikhik
    Pada hero yang dukung tu, sebab tu la banyak kali pengsan sebab nak sambung mimpi2.. =D


Pstttt.. Tekiu ya!





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